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Rudi Oxley
Owner of ReallyRue Wellness

At a young age I was introduced to a variety of blends of teas and herbs. There was always a tea for any issue or illness that may have come to pass. My Caribbean upbringing instilled a balanced lifestyle when it came to the foods and drinks I consumed. 

During my early pre-teen years I moved to the US and noticed the difference in culture in regards to the food. I quickly lost my habits and adapted to unhealthy fast food choices. In years to come I battled with hormonal imbalances, stress, depression, and weight fluctuations due to what I was putting into my body. 

You are what you eat! Unfortunately people lack information. It is your duty to make healthy choices to protect the body you live in. If sugar can ruin your teeth, imagine what it does to your organs. When you eat fast foods you expose yourself to parasites. 

The realization of understanding the unhealthy choices I was making, the effects on your overall health and how your body function sparked a change moving forward. Taking the leap to revert to my upbringing was a personal decision to regain control of a healthier mind and body. 

Why Tea? 

My grandmother will be 100 years old. She has maintained a healthy lifestyle, and tea is essential to her daily routine. I have also gained results from custom blends of herbal teas.

Physically: My turnaround- lost 30lbs, hormonal acne went away 

Mentally: More focused, self-motivated, completing projects 

Spiritually: More present, heightened awareness, mystical 

Emotionally: Helped with Self-esteem, Self-love, Self-acceptance 

For every illness there is an herb for it. All herbs contain information that is beneficial to restoring good health. I have gained proper knowledge about holistic healing from a trained and certified herbalist who specializes in holistic health and wellness. When our bodies are not cared for positively and healthily, we lose internal energy which embarks damaging affects on our outward appearance, and path to living a healthy lifestyle. Mind is what moves you! It is the seed of consciousness. Let's restore good health through these unique blends of teas and herbs. 


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